When used in the formula column, the comma symbol represents something different depending on the function.

Note: This rule is especially true if you create a formula that references a Status label. We used the below formula to see this information at a glance! Here, we want to easily show if our actual spending is over or under the budget that was allotted to it. Let's take our Company Budget Tracking board for example. Here, you can use the columns from your board as well a variety of functions to build out the formula that you need! To add a formula, click into a cell within the Formula Column and begin to type out your formula. If you hover over a function, the display will show you a description of the function and an example of how it works: To build a formula, you can use any of the available functions or you can use traditional math symbols. In the formula builder, you'll first find a list of the columns on your board which you can use within the calculations that you create, followed by the list of available functions that we offer. If you've exited the formula builder, simply click anywhere within the column to begin building your formula. The formula builder will automatically open when you add the Formula Column.

To add it, click on the + icon located on the top right of your board and select "Formula" from the resulting dropdown menu: