Adjusted the Midsummer Festival vendors to now show up for Horde or Alliance only (based on faction). (Sidenote: Inserted Ensembles for Legion Pre-Launch.) Updated speciesID to contain Pre-Launch pets. Added WoW Anniverary items, Pre-Expansion Lauch Event items. Midsummer Fire Festival vendors and quests added. Darkmoon Vendors, Rares, Quests and Pet Battles are now 100% complete. Added Darkmoon Faire Vendors A-G includes Replica Dungeon 0 and 0.5 gear. Death Metal Knight added to Darkmoon Island Event. Added Barom DMF Replica Vendor more to come. Added Brewfest Ram as unobtainable with new text stating only way to get it Updated Ahune in Holidays to show Satchet limitations Noted on Coren Direbrew on Keg limitations Added Brewfest Vendors and Coren Direbrew Added Trial of Style ensembles and shirt. Setup data for rest of holidays and events. Ensembles fully working for Legion Pre-Launch (which should allow other sets to work properly now). Added rfg info to enUS for shirts and cloaks, added cloaks to world for boe, added unsorted folder for stuff left to sort Added armor structure under BOE and shirts. Added trash drops to ToS, Nighthold, EN, and TOV.

Added sets to enUS - some organizing done as well. Commented out 34009-Hammer of Judgement from BT, does not appear it drops from there, only hyjal.

Added BOE Section, loaded up with over 9000 boe's. Added Ashenvale Rares, Vendors and Quests Added rares to draenor SMV, tanaan, and ffr, - added description to rendrak Added darkmoon island, Dalaran(Legion), and order halls Added vendor names to kara, added names to rares in servants quarters, and moved pet from shared loot to big bad wolf encounter. I'll see if I can make this happen for the next release. Here is a shot with the empty backdrop I want to place Allthethings on:Īs you can see, my UI (elvUI) already has a backdrop, if I could disable the Allthethings border (or set it at 100% transparency) and also set window backgrounds at 100% transparency I can then move the Allthethings addon to its position cleanly.Thank you very much for the information. I think this dialogue box is somewhere standard in WoW as I noticed the Details plugin uses the exact same box for its transparency and other window settings. Top shot is with background on 100% transparency, bottom is 0% (full transparent). Here a example of the transparency setting on the recount addon: